Thursday, September 10, 2015

Girls are you ready for some football?

Are you ready for some football?

I know some girls hate this time of year because of the football! I grew up with 4
brothers and between them and my father there was no choice on what to watch. And back in 80's there was 1 TV... I had a Walkman and stereo in my room but football always became an event in my house! So tonight my husbands favorite team plays so I decided to do a segment on Women's fashions in the NFL. I will look at some traditional NFL gear and I will also touch on the ladies that don't want to wear the NFL fashions but still want to look sporty for the party!

Come football season in the MAtthew's house there would be enough food for 100 people.. liquor, beer, and plenty of loud yelling!!!!! My husband wanted to know why I talked so loud!!! Well when you watch football with 4 brother Mom, Dad and Sister.. and many of family friends... Your voice is higher and higher because you talk over one another! so your voice gets higher and higher... I am from Philadelphia I am now in Ohio but if anyone knows about Philadelphia Sports it usually is not a good idea to like someone other then a Philadelphia team. So my whole family..... WE all liked different teams and not one is from Philadelphia.. So here are some great football ready outfits so you look cute and pull together!

Here is a non NFL Apparel that you will not mistake what team you are rooting for!!


And Here? 

I love putting outfits together according to colors.. Red, White and Blue for 4th of July. Green for St. Patricks... and so on... 

I wish they had the cute football apparel for women when I was growing up... Women who loved football had to wear the boxy oversized jersey's and the NFL clothing clearly made for a man. Here is the best Women's NFL apparel!

GO to Victoria Secret PINK and you will find items like this!!!

And the Patriot Fans..

So Weather your team is playing tonight or this Sunday.. Get a cute outfit for the football party. Yes men love women that love football but maybe not in that oversized boxy jersey!  And this is not just for the NFL.... Since I am in Ohio.. and graduated from Ohio State here are some cute items that I have!

*** My husband has a business that he sells all sports!! Men, Women and Youth****
Here you can shop his store for the latest Sports Apparel!!!

I Love FALL!!
I also know that there are many many parties and gatherings that some women are just not comfortable dressing for an occasion and need help picking out the perfect outfit! I can help with this as I am a personal Stylist! Are you the soccer Mom that has a party to attend to with her husband and need help with a dress or outfit so you look like a million bucks! I can HELP!

** when you like us on facebook please let me know and I will send you a code for shipping at my store** Send me a message via facebook or email me at 

I love to see the savings I am giving my customers. I have clients that have money but why be stupid and waste it on something you will wear a few times. I may be crazy but am I the only one that hates wearing clothing more then a few times. Except for jeans.... When I was working in a office I was told by a friend that she has never seen me in the same outfit twice. I thought that was a compliment.
I can help you achieve that. 
I offer a free wardrobe assessment. I will help you with you currently have in your closet and put together looks for you...I also can be hired to shop for you either at stores or at my store. Just email me with questions! I have references available upon request.

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